FreeeUp is a gem for all new freelance writers and people in need of a writer.
Founded by Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan have an awesome story that starts when they met in college.
They started selling online old college textbooks to pay the bills.
Flash forward, they grew it steadily into a $25M business and hired a ton of outsourced folks along the way. They learned a ton and taught themselves how to spend wisely, invest in the business, and invest in human capital which they later began another business, FreeeUp!
[4:28] Tell us a bit about your back story- while in college, you were able to sell over $25 Million on Amazon- what were you selling? What was going on at that time?
· Started as a kid learning how to work
· Always hustling in college
· Amazon was new at the time
[7:8] What are some of the struggles FreeeUp faced in the beginning? Any funny or inspirational stories to share?
· Hired and depended on only one person- then they quit
[9:32] What advice do you have to a new freelancer just breaking into the scene?
· Start viewing yourself as a business
[10:34] What separates FreeeUp from other freelance types of platforms that offers opportunity to work?
· We pre-vet our freelancers to make sure they are the best- the top 1%
[13:3] What type of freelancing work do you offer?
· Over 100 skill sets
[13:56] How can someone apply to be a writer or advertise a job?
· To apply and be in the network go to
[18:53] Value link round:
Value Link Round
[19:6] Why do you think people struggle to achieve their dreams?
· People are really bad at prioritizing and problem solving
[20:30] Do you have any favorite books or podcasts?
· Podcasts: EoFire
· Books: Start with why
[21:13] Do you have a favorite quote?
“Work hard, play hard”
[21:51] Any last advice?
Figure out what you are passionate about