Jason from The Wealth Hound is an aspiring entrepreneur, husband & father. He recently got out of the US Airforce and is a die-hard Michigan State fan. His blog is all about personal finance, investing and every day money tips.
[3:49] Let’s chat about your decision to start your blog, why another personal finance blog?
● Always interest in personal finance & money management
● Enjoyed learning about money and wanted to have somewhere to jot down his thoughts
● Helping the everyday person learn about money
[5:5] Your post on inside the FIRE movement was a great read, can you talk a bit about your FI journey?
● Not on the retire early track
● Enjoying career
● FI is definitely the goal
● Always entrepreneurial minded- one Jason started making real money he realized he needed to look long term
[10:44] You also have a podcast, podcasting is a great tool to get in touch with inspirational people. Who would you say is a guest that you learned the most from or a guest that gave you the biggest take away?
● Connecting with guests has been awesome, you develop friendships
● Diana from Ms Fiology
[12:39] Money for members of the military can be slightly different to money for non-military members. Do you have a money tip for military members?
● Start contributing as early as possible!
[15:16] Have you ever tried listening to books instead of reading them? Head on over to chainofwealth.com/audible and get your free trial.
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[15:40] What is your saving or retirement plan?
● Saving about 50% of joint income
● Max out tax advantaged accounts
[16:50] Do you have any other books or podcasts you can recommend?
● Stacking Benjamins
[17:49] Favorite Quote?
● A lot of people miss out on opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work
[19:9] Parting piece of advice?
● Take a serious look at your financial situations