One of the great things about America is that we have such an amazing military. Because of them we get to go about our everyday lives with much less threat than in other places in the world. Today, we are super excited to have a military member/ personal finance wizard to help explain to us some of the perks that military people get and how to manage money while serving. Military Dollar is a personal finance blog that caters to the men and women in uniform and have been featured on sites such as Rockstar Finance!
[9:52] Why do you think people struggle to achieve their dreams?
Fear of trying
[11:1] What other books or podcasts do you recommend?
Books: Your money or your life
Podcast: ChooseFI & FireDrill, NPR, Dear Hank & John
[12:46] Do you have a favorite quote?
“No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up”
[13:14] Any last advice?
Listen to Chain of Wealth!
Due to the special occasion- there is no formal value link round. It’ll be back on the future episodes.
Value Link Round
A special thank you to Military Dollar for explaining SO much to us.
We hope it answered some questions!