Personal finance expert Jackie Beck is the creator of the app store hit “Pay Off Debt by Jackie Beck”, an award-winning smartphone app that’s been featured in the Oprah Magazine.
The app has helped over 53,000 people use a debt snowball to break free from debt. Jackie and her husband Miles became completely debt free (including their house) in August of 2012, after paying off more than $147,000 in debt. She now helps motivate others to do the same so they can live the life they’re dreaming of.
[2:39] So your app is all about debt and I’m sure there’s a big story to that, what is your personal debt pay off story?
- Came off a long period of unemployment debt comprises of-
- Student loans
- Home equity line of credit
- Credit cards
- Car loan
- Started with an extra $35 on her house and payments get bigger and bigger
[5:53] So we love money apps and since you had one we had to have you on the show! Can you tell us a bit more about your app- who is the audience that would benefit the most from it and does it just cover debt or other topics as well?
- Works with debt snowball or debt avalanche
- Calculates by when you’ll pay off your debt
[9:41] Do you have any inspirational struggle stories of any of your users? So what I’m asking is what is the craziest profile you’ve seen and how have they turned their life around?
- There’s actually not that much data provided
- A lot of people have told their stories
[13:57] A ton of our listeners are paying off debt, which super hard and sometimes depressing as you feel like you aren’t making a dent sometimes. Do you have any advice for people that are in the thick of it and what would you say is the biggest benefit to conquering your debt?
- Don’t add up how much debt you have
- Focus on the progress
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[17:21] What is your savings or retirement plan?
- More about passive income, rental property stock market investments
- She can already do it but
[17:54] Do you have a favorite book?
- Mostly into fiction, favorite book is your money or your life
[18:13] Favorite quote you like to live by?
- Nothing everyone says or does is because of you
[18:41] Any other parting piece of guidance?
- Focus on your dream