Chain of Wealth

It's Podcast Time!

Hi there!

Thanks for agreeing to be a part of the Chain of Wealth family.

You are here as you have been invited to be interviewed on the Chain of Wealth Podcast with Denis & Katie- so first off congratulations!

Chain of Wealth has had over 320,000 downloads and we would love to share your message with our audience. 

The most important thing to have when we conduct your interview is phenomenal audio quality. Please be sure to have a good headset or earphones.

Any sound coming out of your computer through speakers is not acceptable.

Your computer microphone is also not an acceptable recording device.

If the quality is not satisfactory for our listeners we will not air the episode.

Action Required: At the minimum please make sure you have a Logitech Clearchat before your interview, which is available for around $25.

We have invested over $1,500 into our podcast equipment and have done so to maintain a high audio quality standard for our listeners.

All we ask is you make this small investment so we can maintain the quality our listeners keep coming back for 🙂

Also make sure you are in a completely quiet place to record. Turn off all cellphones and make sure there won’t be any interruptions.

Are You Ready to Get Heard?

Your interview will have a varying amount of questions: The interview will range from 15-30 minutes of talking time.

The tone is conversational, be relaxed and ready to share your story.

Short answers = more questions.

Chain of Wealth currently averages 1,800-4,000 downloads per episode.

Our listeners want to hear your story and should they be interested in what you have to offer they will seek you out.

Being a guest on a Podcast is a great way to promote your own business/ organization, however:

This is not a place to go into a full on sales pitch.

Our listeners want to hear your money story.

If you are interested in podcast sponsorship, we are currently open to advertising partners to work with.

Interview Format:

1. Introduction– Denis/Katie will introduce you and talk a bit about what you do.

2. Ice Breaker- One question to break the ice and get personal.

3. Interview Questions- Set of questions related to you and your story.

4. Value Link Round – Rapid fire round of shorter questions to get valuable information from you, your answer should be much shorter and to the point.

5. Conclusion – We will ask you how we can get hold of you and any parting piece of guidance you may have.

If you are unsure about the format, listen to any episode we air on Mondays, that is the best indicator of what you can expect.

Interview Time!

The interview will be conducted over Zencastr.

We will send you a link a few minutes before your scheduled time.

Chat soon!

~Denis & Katie