The Magnet Technique: Attracting Visitors to Your Website
Have you recently started a blog? Or are you thinking about starting one?
One of the things that I was most unsure of when I started Chain of Wealth was how to get people to my website. After a few weeks of basically no traffic- heavy research started to take place.
It was then that I discovered what I like to call the Magnet Technique.

The Magnet Technique isn’t something that is brand new, in fact it’s something top bloggers have been using for years.
One of the biggest problems that new bloggers face (and yes I fall into this category), is getting new traffic to their website or what I like to call “traction”.
Let’s be honest, it sucks working so hard on your site if nobody sees it!
Today I’m going to show you how you can attract completely free traffic to your website: just like a magnet.
I know SEO is a huge part of getting organic traffic to your blog, but there is another tool that you can put in your box- social media.
Now, I am kind of a hard sell when it comes to buying things online. When I learn about an online course, I think it over for days, thoroughly read through countless reviews and triple check to make sure it’s not a scam.
With that said, I have taken a few that were fantastic and I can honestly say that I don’t know where I would be (or my blog) if I hadn’t taken them.
But before you plunk down money for a course that you are not exactly sure what you are getting, here is my honest review on 2 Pinterest courses that I have recently taken.
First being Pinterest Presence and then The Perfect Pin
Now I know what you’re thinking- Pinterest?? For a personal finance blog?
As I said earlier, for a long time, Denis and I had trouble figuring out how to drive traffic to our blog. We learned about SEO, we thought we produced great content (some posts over 5,000 words) and tried to make our site user friendly- not to mention, the hundreds of dollars we paid to Google and Facebook on their ad platforms but we were still falling short with (embarrassingly) low visitors to Chain of Wealth.
Through our struggles, we learned what a powerful tool Pinterest is.
Below, is a screenshot at our progress on Pinterest after taking both courses. We started out from nothing, so with only a few weeks of what was learned, I think it is a huge improvement.

I have used Pinterest for years- DIY projects, recipes, quotes, cute animal pictures… but do people go on Pinterest for a personal finance blog? I was skeptical at first, I’ll admit.
The answer: Yes, people do look for personal finance tips on Pinterest. To date, Pinterest is a huge contributor to our monthly views.
Basically, any niche you are in, there are boards for you to join.
Now surprisingly enough, I stumbled upon both courses by complete accident (as I have done with most of my great discoveries)
Here’s the thing with online courses: You can Google your way to trying to find out how to do something, and you’ll probably (after some searching) come to the right solution.
However- a well-structured course can save you tons of time by learning tricks from the Pros that you won’t find in a regular search.
So with that:
Pinterest Presence by Kristin Larsen
I learned about Kristin Larsen’s Pinterest Presence course before I even really started blogging.
Kristin had very kindly accepted to be one of our first guests on Chain of Wealth; agreeing to be interviewed before we even picked a date to launch the first podcast episode. (You can hear her interview here) In researching her personal finance blog, I was so inspired.
As I read her posts and then chatted with her on the podcast, I decided to give it a try.
Thank goodness I did! Below, you will see the results in my Pinterest just a few days after taking her course. That was a HUGE jump for Chain of Wealth and seeing this just motivated me to learn more.

Again, this was my first Pinterest course. It costs $197, but it is so worth it.
In the course, Kristin goes over exactly how to set everything up as a business account. She has lots of videos that walk you through how to create pins, where to find images and easy ways to join group boards. Until Pinterest Presence, it never really occurred to me to join group boards or that there was a super easy way to schedule your pins.
Let me tell you, it is one of my most favorite things to be scrolling through Pinterest and see my own pins. Or the notification that comes through when someone else pins my stuff.
Top Reasons to take Pinterest Presence
Lifelong access to the course
Learn how to make rich text pins
Learn how to join (and get accepted to) group boards
Learn how to make a Pinterest schedule
E-mail Kristin with any question
The Perfect Pin: How to Create Viral Pinterest Images by BTOP
Like Kristin, I met Ben two different ways- both by accident.
I was emailing back and forth with Ben setting up times to have been on the podcast. (You can listen to the episode here)
Again, I’ll admit, I didn’t know a whole lot about Ben at first.
At the same time as setting up schedules, I would peruse the Rockstar Finance Forum and kept seeing everyone rave about this great Pinterest course The Perfect Pin. Intrigued, I checked it out. As I am sure you have guessed, to my surprise, I was buying Ben’s course days before we had planned to talk- all coincidence.
Here’s the main reason I signed up for his course: Ben is getting over 1 million page views a year all from Pinterest.
Another reason I purchased his course was because so many people in the forum recommended it- and since Denis and I have been trying so hard to leverage Pinterest to bring traffic to our page, we bought it.

Ben’s course is a quick and easy read. Honestly, I bought it, and planned to look through it quickly then go to the gym and read it thoroughly later. The next thing I knew, I was sucked in, missed my body pump class and was fully engulfed for the next two hours.
Top reasons to take The Perfect Pin
Learn how to make pins using Power point
Quick and easy to get started
Learn secret places to get free images
Lifetime access to the course
Wrapping it up
As you can see, either course (or both) can be used as a great resource.
Looking back, as a new blogger, I felt like there were so many different resources to use. One of the best and free resources are social media support groups- they are all over. Use them!
Support groups- are fantastic for getting new ideas, asking questions and sharing your proudest moments. Usually everyone on the thread is eager to help, friendly and the best part- it’s all free advice.
Other than support groups, there are a lot of great courses that you can pay for that are really fantastic.
I will continue to update this post and share any other courses that I have taken and find good use of.
If you’d like me to make pins for you get in touch with me! I use the strategies that are taught in both these courses.